Rock the more!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

A week more to go and it's election time once again.  I've never been the type person who goes berserk when it comes to politics - specifically here in the Philippines.  I see it as that bad ass competitor of showbusiness with a lesser physique to boot. haha.  It has always been a roller coaster ride with the news they bring. 

They say if you haven't registered or even took an ample of your time to go to your respective district to vote - you don't have the right to complain how they governed your country.  So be a good citizen and vote who you think will be the lesser evil to run this country.  Now, im sounding too pessimistic.  Like I said, I don't get too excited with our politics here.  Don't get me wrong - I love our country (really really do); however, most of the time - I think the way we do our politics around here is a big joke.  And that's an understatement.

2010 would surely mark a difference for us since it is a first for the country to do a nationwide fully automated elections - from counting of votes to transmission and canvassing of results.  There's always some talks about the probability it will fail and that cheating will be involved...but isn't there always cheating involved?  The best that we can do is just hope and pray things would go smoothly.  If that's a lot to ask, then let's just hope that there would be lesser cheating that might happen and fewer people who get hurt.

Whatever the case may be, I just hope that we're going to get leaders that have their hearts and minds in serving the country and not more about filling up their own pockets.

To make things easier to know your precint this coming May, click here.  It's a precint finder that would provide you your corresponding precint number and polling place.  Pretty convenient, right? 

In other nonrelated news, in the midst of doing this blog, I saw a couple of people near my cubicle standing up to watch something.  I didn't mind it at first until I saw this...

Remember the picture I posted on my blog yesterday?  Now, a couple of houses are on fire.
Time check: 715AM.
There are a lot of people living here who are working on a graveyard shift and probably are still at work or perhaps just got into bed. 

Hope no one gets hurt... :(

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