October 5
It was a very stressful Tuesday at the office with a lot of deadlines and issues to attend to. If it comes to a point that my mind couldn't think straight anymore, I need to divert my attention to something else. I missed photography. I used to take pictures every single day even when I was just inside my room, lying on my bed. Then it hit me - why not have a photo shoot with having my coworkers as subject? I emailed everyone in my department if they are game to have a black and red motif photo shoot at the cemetery. I was skeptical that they will like it, maybe find it a little too weird. Surprisingly, they all went berserk with the idea because they haven't tried it before and Halloween was fast approaching, just in time for a goth theme. A lot went shopping for costumes for days & others made their props from scratch – Yes, Internet usage rose, sleep was deprived, and many took their leave credits. Did I mention that even those who had resigned were game enough to help out and join the session.
October 22 8:15 PM
I was about to prepare my things to bring to the office for the shoot but then power shortage happened where everything was pitch black. Of all the days, this had to happen! I didn't have a choice but to wait - I needed to make sure that the props, make up, costume, and my beloved camera were intact. I wanted everything to be perfect - after all, this was my concept.
October 23 4:00 AM
There was a lot of commotion already where everyone's googling the make up and the looks they wanted to achieve. I on the other hand got work up to my sleeves since one of my associates was absent. Though I was excited for the shoot, I had to make sure that work at the office wouldn't get affected.
A couple of hours after, everyone was ready except me since I had to do most of their make up. I had to finish mine in the car. We went to this public cemetery near SM where it was just accessible to everyone. It was a great day, no cloud in the sky. It had been constantly raining for days and so light was perfect to complement the shoot. I told everyone that I needed their full cooperation. Whatever I say that they must do should be done asap. After all, 20 subjects against 1 was no joke.
Here are some low resolution photos during the shoot:
Here's almost about everyone doing the wacky pose.
That's me in the middle doing the double peace sign :P

I will never forget this day – my first ever photo shoot concept. Pressure was everywhere especially on my part where I became an instant makeup artist, props maker, director, and photographer/ model rolled into one – After which, I ended up sleeping 16hrs straight.
As I've said before, you guys were crazy and I love you!!!